5 Hidden Extang Trifecta Problems & Solutions

Truck bed covers have been around for a while now and have evolved a lot over the years. Though they are advertised as being durable and can withstand different weather conditions.

This, however, doesn’t mean that they do not have problems common to them. In this article, we will highlight some of the problems peculiar to Extang Trifecta, possible solutions, and other things you should know about this popular bed cover. Keep reading.

Extang Trifecta Problems

Before we proceed, it is important to note that no product doesn’t have its benefits and drawbacks. The problems that will be highlighted in this article are a collection of similar problems that have been experienced by users of extang Trifecta over the years. The following are some of the problems of extang Trifecta and how you can fix them.

1. Loud noise

You should not experience any difficulty with installing extang Trifecta, even if it is your first time. All you need to do is to follow the instructions on how to install it.

One of the problems that arise from the poor installation of extang Trifecta is that the cover could make noise when you are in motion. Some users stated that the noise would become disturbing at a speed above 55mph.

Apart from poor installation, any possible hole on the extang Trifecta that could allow air to penetrate under the cover is another reason why it would make noise when you are in motion. The following are some of the things you can do to resolve this issue.

Check for the presence of light

When this noise becomes disturbing, you can park the truck, if possible, or wait until you get to your destination. You can then drop the tailgate and then look inside the bed. It should be dark but you should focus on any spot where there is a presence of light.

The spot could be the penetrating point for air into the bed when you are in motion. To fix the problem, all you need to do is to get a weather seal. Then apply it to all the spots.

Fix loose attachment

In a situation where the rail clamps are not in the right position due to poor installation or wear, the cover would make noise when you are in motion.

If there are no spots in the cover, you should check the rail clamps for any possibility of loose attachment. You should fix it immediately.

Seek help

If you are unable to troubleshoot with the steps highlighted above, you should seek help from professionals. You will be guided on what could be done to resolve the problem.

2. Breakable plastic

Most truck bed covers are advertised to have the ability to withstand different weather conditions. While this might be true, depending on how you handle the product, many users of extang Trifecta have stated their reservations about the possibility of this.

This is because the retention system of the cover essentially comprises breakable plastic. When exposed to different weather conditions and road surfaces at high speed, the plastic clamps could break or fall off.

Some users even stated that their own got broken within the shortest duration. To fix this problem, here is a list of some of the things you can do.

Change broken plastic

Unfixed broken clamps will not only wear other plastic clamps but might also ruin the truck cover. Once you notice that one of the clamps is broken, you should replace it immediately. You can also use the opportunity to check for any other weak plastic clamp and replace it also.

Proper installation

Since you will be making use of plastic clamps, it is recommended that you install them properly. You can do that with ease or seek help from professionals. Apart from this, you should also maintain the extang Trifecta properly.

3. Fading color

After installation, the extang Trifecta will look shining to your admiration. Though it is expected to wear after some years of usage, many users have stated that their cover becomes faded after a brief period of usage.

The concern here is that the warranty policy of the manufacturer does not cover a color change. In most situations, the fading color is caused by using acid-based soap to wash the cover or when you expose it to too many sun rays. Highlighted below are some of the things you can do to fix the problem.

Proper maintenance

It is recommended that you care for the extang Trifecta cover but you must be careful to avoid ruining the cover while trying to maintain it. If you want to wash the cover, you should use only auto-rated soap. Apart from this, you should not leave a pool of water on the cover.

Park in the garage

Long exposure to sun rays is not only risky for the truck bed cover, but it could also affect some other components of the car. Whenever you want to pack, maybe for a longer duration, make sure you pack the truck under a shade. If possible, you should erect a garage for your truck at home.

4. Stuck cover

extang Trifecta cover naturally should be easy for you to open and close if installed properly. You might begin to experience problems with this after a while.

This is largely due to the way you care for it and depreciation after extensive usage. Many extang Trifecta is condemned due to this problem. Here is a list of some of the things you can do if you are experiencing this problem.

Check the opening

Most parts of extang Trifecta have been replaced with plastic to potentially avoid rust. Rust is the reason why most covers that have metal panels are difficult to open after a while.

All you need to do is to check the opening for any possible damage to the opening mechanism. If there is any, it should be fixed immediately. If there is metal there, you should lubricate it and see if it will be easier to open.

Seek help

In a situation where you are unable to fix the problem with the opening mechanism, just drive down to a nearby workshop where it could be fixed. Moreover, you can call for a replacement of the extang Trifecta if the warranty is still valid.

5. Possible drifting

The quality of extang Trifecta should stay in place, irrespective of the speed of the vehicle. One of the reviews of many users online stated that the cover drifts after a few trips.

This is likely due to poor installation, loose screw and attachment, and inappropriate extang Trifecta size for your truck. The following are some of the things you can do to resolve the problem.

Right tightening

Once you notice that the cover has drifted, you should return it to place and tighten the screw again. Apart from this, you should ensure that the cover is properly installed. Though you can install it by yourself with ease when you follow the instructions, you can also allow a professional to handle the job.

Use the right size

This problem is caused most of the time when you do not use the perfect size for your truck. During installation, make sure you use the right size. You can ask questions if you are not sure about the right size for your truck.

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What are the things I can do to make my extang Trifecta last for a longer duration?

If installed properly, the design of extang Trifecta makes it unlikely for you to experience leakages with the cover. You must, however, maintain the cover rightly if you want to avoid these problems and use the cover for a longer duration. Here is a list of some of the things you can do.

Proper installation

You can use the extang Trifecta for a longer duration but you must get the installation right from the beginning. The instructions on it are enough to guide you.

In a situation where you do not get it right, you can seek help from a professional installer. Also, make sure you buy the right size of extang Trifecta.

Regular cleaning

Just like the way you clean the other parts of the truck, you should also clean the truck bed cover. This will ensure that the cover is free from dirt, and remains shining for a longer duration.

All you need to do is to clean the cover with soap and water regularly. It is recommended that you use only auto-rated soap to wash the cover. Apart from this, you should not allow the pool of water to stay on it for a longer duration.

Regular inspection

The screws, clamps, and other panels of the extang Trifecta could become loosened after some time. That is why you need to inspect the cover regularly. If there is anything that needs to be replaced or tightened, you should not hesitate to do it immediately.

Park properly

The color of the cover could fade quickly if you expose it often to excessive sunlight. If possible, you should construct a garage where you will park the truck whenever you are home.


Extang Trifecta could last for a longer duration if you can care for it. Knowing some of its weaknesses would help you use the cover for a longer duration. 

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